時空間システムの自己回帰サロゲートモデル(または\ textit {エミュレーター})は、科学と工学全体に広範なアプリケーションを備えた高速で近似予測の道を提供します。
Autoregressive surrogate models (or \textit{emulators}) of spatiotemporal systems provide an avenue for fast, approximate predictions, with broad applications across science and engineering. At inference time, however, these models are generally unable to provide predictions over long time rollouts due to accumulation of errors leading to diverging trajectories. In essence, emulators operate out of distribution, and controlling the online distribution quickly becomes intractable in large-scale settings. To address this fundamental issue, and focusing on time-stationary systems admitting an invariant measure, we leverage diffusion models to obtain an implicit estimator of the score of this invariant measure. We show that this model of the score function can be used to stabilize autoregressive emulator rollouts by applying on-the-fly denoising during inference, a process we call \textit{thermalization}. Thermalizing an emulator rollout is shown to extend the time horizon of stable predictions by an order of magnitude in complex systems exhibiting turbulent and chaotic behavior, opening up a novel application of diffusion models in the context of neural emulation.
著者 | Chris Pedersen,Laure Zanna,Joan Bruna |
発行日 | 2025-03-24 14:38:33+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google