Differentially Private Joint Independence Test


さらに、DHSICメトリックと$ L_2 $メトリックで提案されたテストの均一なパワーを調査します。これは、提案されたテストが異なるプライバシー制度にわたってMinimax最適なパワーを達成することを示しています。
副産物として、我々の結果には、非公式の順列DHSICのポイントワイズと均一なパワーも含まれており、未解決の質問に対処したPfister et al。


Identification of joint dependence among more than two random vectors plays an important role in many statistical applications, where the data may contain sensitive or confidential information. In this paper, we consider the the d-variable Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (dHSIC) in the context of differential privacy. Given the limiting distribution of the empirical estimate of dHSIC is complicated Gaussian chaos, constructing tests in the non-privacy regime is typically based on permutation and bootstrap. To detect joint dependence in privacy, we propose a dHSIC-based testing procedure by employing a differentially private permutation methodology. Our method enjoys privacy guarantee, valid level and pointwise consistency, while the bootstrap counterpart suffers inconsistent power. We further investigate the uniform power of the proposed test in dHSIC metric and $L_2$ metric, indicating that the proposed test attains the minimax optimal power across different privacy regimes. As a byproduct, our results also contain the pointwise and uniform power of the non-private permutation dHSIC, addressing an unsolved question remained in Pfister et al. (2018).


著者 Xingwei Liu,Yuexin Chen,Wangli Xu
発行日 2025-03-24 14:32:05+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: 62G10, 62H20, cs.CR, cs.LG, math.ST, stat.ME, stat.ML, stat.TH パーマリンク