Autonomous Generation of Sub-goals for Lifelong Learning in Robots




One of the challenges of open-ended learning in robots is the need to autonomously discover goals and learn skills to achieve them. However, when in lifelong learning settings, it is always desirable to generate sub-goals with their associated skills, without relying on explicit reward, as steppingstones to a goal. This allows sub-goals and skills to be reused to facilitate achieving other goals. This work proposes a two-pronged approach for sub-goal generation to address this challenge: a top-down approach, where sub-goals are hierarchically derived from general goals using intrinsic motivations to discover them, and a bottom-up approach, where sub-goal chains emerge from making latent relationships between goals and perceptual classes that were previously learned in different domains explicit. These methods help the robot to autonomously generate and chain sub-goals as a way to achieve more general goals. Additionally, they create more abstract representations of goals, helping to reduce sub-goal duplication and make the learning of skills more efficient. Implemented within an existing cognitive architecture for lifelong open-ended learning and tested with a real robot, our approach enhances the robot’s ability to discover and achieve goals, generate sub-goals in an efficient manner, generalize learned skills, and operate in dynamic and unknown environments without explicit intermediate rewards.


著者 Emanuel Fallas Hernández,Sergio Martínez Alonso,Alejandro Romero,Jose A. Becerra Permuy,Richard J. Duro
発行日 2025-03-24 17:26:20+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク