A Unified Framework for Real-Time Failure Handling in Robotics Using Vision-Language Models, Reactive Planner and Behavior Trees


このペーパーでは、リアルタイムの障害処理を可能にするために、Vision-Language Models(VLMS)、リアクティブプランナー、および動作ツリー(BTS)を組み合わせた統一された障害回復フレームワークを紹介します。


Robotic systems often face execution failures due to unexpected obstacles, sensor errors, or environmental changes. Traditional failure recovery methods rely on predefined strategies or human intervention, making them less adaptable. This paper presents a unified failure recovery framework that combines Vision-Language Models (VLMs), a reactive planner, and Behavior Trees (BTs) to enable real-time failure handling. Our approach includes pre-execution verification, which checks for potential failures before execution, and reactive failure handling, which detects and corrects failures during execution by verifying existing BT conditions, adding missing preconditions and, when necessary, generating new skills. The framework uses a scene graph for structured environmental perception and an execution history for continuous monitoring, enabling context-aware and adaptive failure handling. We evaluate our framework through real-world experiments with an ABB YuMi robot on tasks like peg insertion, object sorting, and drawer placement, as well as in AI2-THOR simulator. Compared to using pre-execution and reactive methods separately, our approach achieves higher task success rates and greater adaptability. Ablation studies highlight the importance of VLM-based reasoning, structured scene representation, and execution history tracking for effective failure recovery in robotics.


著者 Faseeh Ahmad,Hashim Ismail,Jonathan Styrud,Maj Stenmark,Volker Krueger
発行日 2025-03-21 08:10:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク