Experience-based Optimal Motion Planning Algorithm for Solving Difficult Planning Problems Using a Limited Dataset


情報に基づいたエクスペリエンス駆動型のランダムツリーConnect Star(IERTC*)プロセスでは、アルゴリズムは、再配線プロセスと情報に基づいたサンプリングプロセスを導入することでパスコストを削減しながら、単一のエクスペリエンスから生成されたマイクロパスをモーフィングすることにより、検索ツリーを柔軟に調査します。


This study aims to address the key challenge of obtaining a high-quality solution path within a short calculation time by generalizing a limited dataset. In the informed experience-driven random trees connect star (IERTC*) process, the algorithm flexibly explores the search trees by morphing the micro paths generated from a single experience while reducing the path cost by introducing a re-wiring process and an informed sampling process. The core idea of this algorithm is to apply different strategies depending on the complexity of the local environment; for example, it adopts a more complex curved trajectory if obstacles are densely arranged near the search tree, and it adopts a simpler straight line if the local environment is sparse. The results of experiments using a general motion benchmark test revealed that IERTC* significantly improved the planning success rate in difficult problems in the cluttered environment (an average improvement of 49.3% compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm) while also significantly reducing the solution cost (a reduction of 56.3%) when using one hundred experiences. Furthermore, the results demonstrated outstanding planning performance even when only one experience was available (a 43.8% improvement in success rate and a 57.8% reduction in solution cost).


著者 Ryota Takamido,Jun Ota
発行日 2025-03-19 21:52:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク