Capturing a Moving Target by Two Robots in the F2F Model


2つの自律的なモバイルロボット(1の最大速度で移動できます)が最初に原点に配置されますが、最初はオリジンから離れた距離$ d $に忘れられない移動ターゲットが配置されます。
ロボットは任意の方向にラインに沿って移動できますが、ターゲットは忘れられず、方向を変えることができず、一定の速度$ v $で起源に向かって離れて移動します。
さまざまな知識シナリオの下でアルゴリズムを設計します。これは、ロボットが開始距離$ d $、動きの方向(原点に向かう、または離れている)、およびターゲットの速度$ v $についての事前知識を考慮しています。


We study a search problem on capturing a moving target on an infinite real line. Two autonomous mobile robots (which can move with a maximum speed of 1) are initially placed at the origin, while an oblivious moving target is initially placed at a distance $d$ away from the origin. The robots can move along the line in any direction, but the target is oblivious, cannot change direction, and moves either away from or toward the origin at a constant speed $v$. Our aim is to design efficient algorithms for the two robots to capture the target. The target is captured only when both robots are co-located with it. The robots communicate with each other only face-to-face (F2F), meaning they can exchange information only when co-located, while the target remains oblivious and has no communication capabilities. We design algorithms under various knowledge scenarios, which take into account the prior knowledge the robots have about the starting distance $d$, the direction of movement (either toward or away from the origin), and the speed $v$ of the target. As a measure of the efficiency of the algorithms, we use the competitive ratio, which is the ratio of the capture time of an algorithm with limited knowledge to the capture time in the full-knowledge model. In our analysis, we are mindful of the cost of changing direction of movement, and show how to accomplish the capture of the target with at most three direction changes (turns).


著者 Khaled Jawhar,Evangelos Kranakis
発行日 2025-03-19 20:53:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.DC, cs.RO パーマリンク