Value Profiles for Encoding Human Variation


値プロファイルを使用して個人を表現することを提案します – コンテキスト内デモンストレーションから圧縮された根本的な値の自然言語の説明と、バリュープロファイルまたはその他の評価者情報を条件付けた評価を推定する操縦可能なデコーダーモデルを提案します。
値プロファイルは、デモンストレーションから有用な情報を効果的に圧縮します(> 70%の情報保存)。


Modelling human variation in rating tasks is crucial for enabling AI systems for personalization, pluralistic model alignment, and computational social science. We propose representing individuals using value profiles — natural language descriptions of underlying values compressed from in-context demonstrations — along with a steerable decoder model to estimate ratings conditioned on a value profile or other rater information. To measure the predictive information in rater representations, we introduce an information-theoretic methodology. We find that demonstrations contain the most information, followed by value profiles and then demographics. However, value profiles offer advantages in terms of scrutability, interpretability, and steerability due to their compressed natural language format. Value profiles effectively compress the useful information from demonstrations (>70% information preservation). Furthermore, clustering value profiles to identify similarly behaving individuals better explains rater variation than the most predictive demographic groupings. Going beyond test set performance, we show that the decoder models interpretably change ratings according to semantic profile differences, are well-calibrated, and can help explain instance-level disagreement by simulating an annotator population. These results demonstrate that value profiles offer novel, predictive ways to describe individual variation beyond demographics or group information.


著者 Taylor Sorensen,Pushkar Mishra,Roma Patel,Michael Henry Tessler,Michiel Bakker,Georgina Evans,Iason Gabriel,Noah Goodman,Verena Rieser
発行日 2025-03-19 17:57:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.HC, cs.LG パーマリンク