Nonlinear Modeling and Observability of a Planar Multi-Link Robot with Link Thrusters




This work is motivated by the development of cooperative teams of small, soft underwater robots designed to accomplish complex tasks through collective behavior. These robots take inspiration from biology: salps are gelatinous, jellyfish-like marine animals that utilize jet propulsion for maneuvering and can physically connect to form dynamic chains of arbitrary shape and size. The primary contributions of this research are twofold: first, we adapt a planar nonlinear multi-link snake robot model to model a planar multi-link salp-inspired system by removing joint actuators, introducing link thrusters, and allowing for non-uniform link lengths, masses, and moments of inertia. Second, we conduct a nonlinear observability analysis of the multi-link system with link thrusters, showing that the link angles, angular velocities, masses, and moments of inertia are locally observable when equipped with inertial measurement units and operating under specific thruster conditions. This research provides a theoretical foundation for modeling and estimating both the state and intrinsic parameters of a multi-link system with link thrusters, which are essential for effective controller design and performance.


著者 Nicholas B. Andrews,Kristi A. Morgansen
発行日 2025-03-18 23:42:29+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク