Natural Quantization of Neural Networks


このアーキテクチャは、標準のMNISTデータセットのサブセットに基づいてベンチマークし、「Quantum Advantage」のレジームを見つけます。この場合、量子実現の検証エラー率は古典モデルの検証エラー率よりも小さくなります。
また、この量子ニューラルネットワークは、$ g = \ frac \ pi 2 $を古典的な体制を複製する$ g = \ frac \ pi 2 $で、エンタングルメント角$ g $を制御することにより、量子性の程度のスムーズな調整を可能にします。
また、重要なポイント$ g_c $で学習する量子ネットワークの能力を急激に失うことで、量子遷移も観察されます。


We propose a natural quantization of a standard neural network, where the neurons correspond to qubits and the activation functions are implemented via quantum gates and measurements. The simplest quantized neural network corresponds to applying single-qubit rotations, with the rotation angles being dependent on the weights and measurement outcomes of the previous layer. This realization has the advantage of being smoothly tunable from the purely classical limit with no quantum uncertainty (thereby reproducing the classical neural network exactly) to a quantum case, where superpositions introduce an intrinsic uncertainty in the network. We benchmark this architecture on a subset of the standard MNIST dataset and find a regime of ‘quantum advantage,’ where the validation error rate in the quantum realization is smaller than that in the classical model. We also consider another approach where quantumness is introduced via weak measurements of ancilla qubits entangled with the neuron qubits. This quantum neural network also allows for smooth tuning of the degree of quantumness by controlling an entanglement angle, $g$, with $g=\frac\pi 2$ replicating the classical regime. We find that validation error is also minimized within the quantum regime in this approach. We also observe a quantum transition, with sharp loss of the quantum network’s ability to learn at a critical point $g_c$. The proposed quantum neural networks are readily realizable in present-day quantum computers on commercial datasets.


著者 Richard Barney,Djamil Lakhdar-Hamina,Victor Galitski
発行日 2025-03-19 17:57:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.dis-nn, cs.LG, quant-ph パーマリンク