From 1,000,000 Users to Every User: Scaling Up Personalized Preference for User-level Alignment


この基盤の上に構築すると、130万を超えるパーソナライズされた選好例の大規模なデータセットである\ textSc {alignx}を導入し、2つの補完的なアライメントアプローチを開発します。
広範な実験は、既存の方法よりも大幅に改善されており、4つのベンチマークにわたって平均17.06 \%の精度が得られ、新しい好みに対する強力な適応能力、限られたユーザーデータへの堅牢性、および正確な好みの制御可能性を示します。


Large language models (LLMs) have traditionally been aligned through one-size-fits-all approaches that assume uniform human preferences, fundamentally overlooking the diversity in user values and needs. This paper introduces a comprehensive framework for scalable personalized alignment of LLMs. We establish a systematic preference space characterizing psychological and behavioral dimensions, alongside diverse persona representations for robust preference inference in real-world scenarios. Building upon this foundation, we introduce \textsc{AlignX}, a large-scale dataset of over 1.3 million personalized preference examples, and develop two complementary alignment approaches: \textit{in-context alignment} directly conditioning on persona representations and \textit{preference-bridged alignment} modeling intermediate preference distributions. Extensive experiments demonstrate substantial improvements over existing methods, with an average 17.06\% accuracy gain across four benchmarks while exhibiting a strong adaptation capability to novel preferences, robustness to limited user data, and precise preference controllability. These results validate our framework’s effectiveness, advancing toward truly user-adaptive AI systems.


著者 Jia-Nan Li,Jian Guan,Songhao Wu,Wei Wu,Rui Yan
発行日 2025-03-19 17:41:46+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL パーマリンク