Federated Continual 3D Segmentation With Single-round Communication


Federated Learningは、ローカルデータのプライバシーを維持しながら、分散クライアント間のコラボレーションを促進しようとしています。


Federated learning seeks to foster collaboration among distributed clients while preserving the privacy of their local data. Traditionally, federated learning methods assume a fixed setting in which client data and learning objectives remain constant. However, in real-world scenarios, new clients may join, and existing clients may expand the segmentation label set as task requirements evolve. In such a dynamic federated analysis setup, the conventional federated communication strategy of model aggregation per communication round is suboptimal. As new clients join, this strategy requires retraining, linearly increasing communication and computation overhead. It also imposes requirements for synchronized communication, which is difficult to achieve among distributed clients. In this paper, we propose a federated continual learning strategy that employs a one-time model aggregation at the server through multi-model distillation. This approach builds and updates the global model while eliminating the need for frequent server communication. When integrating new data streams or onboarding new clients, this approach efficiently reuses previous client models, avoiding the need to retrain the global model across the entire federation. By minimizing communication load and bypassing the need to put unchanged clients online, our approach relaxes synchronization requirements among clients, providing an efficient and scalable federated analysis framework suited for real-world applications. Using multi-class 3D abdominal CT segmentation as an application task, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.


著者 Can Peng,Qianhui Men,Pramit Saha,Qianye Yang,Cheng Ouyang,J. Alison Noble
発行日 2025-03-19 16:56:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV, eess.IV パーマリンク