This paper introduces a framework for human swarm interaction studies that measures situation awareness in dynamic environments. A tablet-based interface was developed for a user study by implementing the concepts introduced in the framework, where operators guided a robotic swarm in a single-target search task, marking hazardous cells unknown to the swarm. Both subjective and objective situation awareness measures were used, with task performance evaluated based on how close the robots were to the target. The framework enabled a structured investigation of the role of situation awareness in human swarm interaction, leading to key findings such as improved task performance across attempts, showing the interface was learnable, centroid active robot position proved to be a useful task performance metric for assessing situation awareness, perception and projection played a key role in task performance, highlighting their importance in interface design and both subjective and objective situation awareness influenced task performance, emphasizing the need for interfaces that support both. These findings validate our framework as a structured approach for integrating situation awareness concepts into human swarm interaction studies, offering a systematic way to assess situation awareness and task performance. The framework can be applied to other swarming studies to evaluate interface learnability, identify meaningful task performance metrics, and refine interface designs to enhance situation awareness, ultimately improving human swarm interaction in dynamic environments.
著者 | Wasura D. Wattearachchi,Erandi Lakshika,Kathryn Kasmarik,Michael Barlow |
発行日 | 2025-03-19 00:51:14+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google