KACライス式とランダムマトリックス理論の結果を使用して、高次元の経験的損失関数のファミリーの重要なポイントの平均数を取得します。データが$ D $ d $ d $のガウスベクターと相関しています。
技術的な仮説の下では、結果は大規模な$ d $制限で正確であり、アニールされた景観の複雑さ、つまり、損失の特定の値における予想される重要なポイントの対数を特徴付けます。
We use the Kac-Rice formula and results from random matrix theory to obtain the average number of critical points of a family of high-dimensional empirical loss functions, where the data are correlated $d$-dimensional Gaussian vectors, whose number has a fixed ratio with their dimension. The correlations are introduced to model the existence of structure in the data, as is common in current Machine-Learning systems. Under a technical hypothesis, our results are exact in the large-$d$ limit, and characterize the annealed landscape complexity, namely the logarithm of the expected number of critical points at a given value of the loss. We first address in detail the landscape of the loss function of a single perceptron and then generalize it to the case where two competing data sets with different covariance matrices are present, with the perceptron seeking to discriminate between them. The latter model can be applied to understand the interplay between adversity and non-trivial data structure. For completeness, we also treat the case of a loss function used in training Generalized Linear Models in the presence of correlated input data.
著者 | Theodoros G. Tsironis,Aris L. Moustakas |
発行日 | 2025-03-18 16:44:33+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google