BiTrack: Bidirectional Offline 3D Multi-Object Tracking Using Camera-LiDAR Data


このペーパーでは、カメラライダーデータから最適な追跡結果を達成するために、2D-3D検出融合、初期軌道生成、および双方向の軌道の再最適化のモジュールを含む3D OMOTフレームワーク「Bitrack」を提案します。
Kittiデータセットの実験結果は、Bitrackが正確さと効率の観点から3D OMOTタスクの最先端のパフォーマンスを達成することを示しています。


Compared with real-time multi-object tracking (MOT), offline multi-object tracking (OMOT) has the advantages to perform 2D-3D detection fusion, erroneous link correction, and full track optimization but has to deal with the challenges from bounding box misalignment and track evaluation, editing, and refinement. This paper proposes ‘BiTrack’, a 3D OMOT framework that includes modules of 2D-3D detection fusion, initial trajectory generation, and bidirectional trajectory re-optimization to achieve optimal tracking results from camera-LiDAR data. The novelty of this paper includes threefold: (1) development of a point-level object registration technique that employs a density-based similarity metric to achieve accurate fusion of 2D-3D detection results; (2) development of a set of data association and track management skills that utilizes a vertex-based similarity metric as well as false alarm rejection and track recovery mechanisms to generate reliable bidirectional object trajectories; (3) development of a trajectory re-optimization scheme that re-organizes track fragments of different fidelities in a greedy fashion, as well as refines each trajectory with completion and smoothing techniques. The experiment results on the KITTI dataset demonstrate that BiTrack achieves the state-of-the-art performance for 3D OMOT tasks in terms of accuracy and efficiency.


著者 Kemiao Huang,Yinqi Chen,Meiying Zhang,Qi Hao
発行日 2025-03-18 14:57:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV パーマリンク