A bio-inspired sand-rolling robot: effect of body shape on sand rolling performance




The capability of effectively moving on complex terrains such as sand and gravel can empower our robots to robustly operate in outdoor environments, and assist with critical tasks such as environment monitoring, search-and-rescue, and supply delivery. Inspired by the Mount Lyell salamander’s ability to curl its body into a loop and effectively roll down {\Revision hill slopes}, in this study we develop a sand-rolling robot and investigate how its locomotion performance is governed by the shape of its body. We experimentally tested three different body shapes: Hexagon, Quadrilateral, and Triangle. We found that Hexagon and Triangle can achieve a faster rolling speed on sand, but exhibited more frequent failures of getting stuck. Analysis of the interaction between robot and sand revealed the failure mechanism: the deformation of the sand produced a local “sand incline” underneath robot contact segments, increasing the effective region of supporting polygon (ERSP) and preventing the robot from shifting its center of mass (CoM) outside the ERSP to produce sustainable rolling. Based on this mechanism, a highly-simplified model successfully captured the critical body pitch for each rolling shape to produce sustained rolling on sand, and informed design adaptations that mitigated the locomotion failures and improved robot speed by more than 200$\%$. Our results provide insights into how locomotors can utilize different morphological features to achieve robust rolling motion across deformable substrates.


著者 Xingjue Liao,Wenhao Liu,Hao Wu,Feifei Qian
発行日 2025-03-18 05:31:56+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク