Dual-Domain Homogeneous Fusion with Cross-Modal Mamba and Progressive Decoder for 3D Object Detection


これらの制限に対処するために、Dual Domainの均質融合ネットワーク(DDHFusion)を提案します。これは、BEVドメインとボクセルドメインの両方を相補的に活用しながら、欠点を軽減します。
次に、それぞれのドメイン内でマルチモーダル融合のために、均一なボクセルおよびBev Fusion(HVFおよびHBF)ネットワークを紹介します。


Fusing LiDAR and image features in a homogeneous BEV domain has become popular for 3D object detection in autonomous driving. However, this paradigm is constrained by the excessive feature compression. While some works explore dense voxel fusion to enable better feature interaction, they face high computational costs and challenges in query generation. Additionally, feature misalignment in both domains results in suboptimal detection accuracy. To address these limitations, we propose a Dual-Domain Homogeneous Fusion network (DDHFusion), which leverages the complementarily of both BEV and voxel domains while mitigating their drawbacks. Specifically, we first transform image features into BEV and sparse voxel representations using lift-splat-shot and our proposed Semantic-Aware Feature Sampling (SAFS) module. The latter significantly reduces computational overhead by discarding unimportant voxels. Next, we introduce Homogeneous Voxel and BEV Fusion (HVF and HBF) networks for multi-modal fusion within respective domains. They are equipped with novel cross-modal Mamba blocks to resolve feature misalignment and enable comprehensive scene perception. The output voxel features are injected into the BEV space to compensate for the information loss brought by direct height compression. During query selection, the Progressive Query Generation (PQG) mechanism is implemented in the BEV domain to reduce false negatives caused by feature compression. Furthermore, we propose a Progressive Decoder (QD) that sequentially aggregates not only context-rich BEV features but also geometry-aware voxel features with deformable attention and the Multi-Modal Voxel Feature Mixing (MMVFM) block for precise classification and box regression.


著者 Xuzhong Hu,Zaipeng Duan,Pei An,Jun zhang,Jie Ma
発行日 2025-03-17 15:33:08+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク