Efficient End-to-End 6-Dof Grasp Detection Framework for Edge Devices with Hierarchical Heatmaps and Feature Propagation


6-dof grasp検出は、オブジェクトを把握するための実行可能なロボットポーズを提供するため、インテリジェントな具体化されたシステムの進歩にとって非常に重要です。


6-DoF grasp detection is critically important for the advancement of intelligent embodied systems, as it provides feasible robot poses for object grasping. Various methods have been proposed to detect 6-DoF grasps through the extraction of 3D geometric features from RGBD or point cloud data. However, most of these approaches encounter challenges during real robot deployment due to their significant computational demands, which can be particularly problematic for mobile robot platforms, especially those reliant on edge computing devices. This paper presents an Efficient End-to-End Grasp Detection Network (E3GNet) for 6-DoF grasp detection utilizing hierarchical heatmap representations. E3GNet effectively identifies high-quality and diverse grasps in cluttered real-world environments.Benefiting from our end-to-end methodology and efficient network design, our approach surpasses previous methods in model inference efficiency and achieves real-time 6-Dof grasp detection on edge devices. Furthermore, real-world experiments validate the effectiveness of our method, achieving a satisfactory 94% object grasping success rate.


著者 Kaiqin Yang,Yixiang Dai,Guijin Wang,Siang Chen
発行日 2025-03-13 10:41:26+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク