Object-Pose Estimation With Neural Population Codes


T-Lessデータセットでは、Apple M1 CPUの3.2ミリ秒で推論を達成し、グレースケールの画像入力のみを使用して、直接マッピングにポーズをとると69.7%の精度と比較して、84.7%の最大対称性表面距離精度を84.7%に達成します。


Robotic assembly tasks require object-pose estimation, particularly for tasks that avoid costly mechanical constraints. Object symmetry complicates the direct mapping of sensory input to object rotation, as the rotation becomes ambiguous and lacks a unique training target. Some proposed solutions involve evaluating multiple pose hypotheses against the input or predicting a probability distribution, but these approaches suffer from significant computational overhead. Here, we show that representing object rotation with a neural population code overcomes these limitations, enabling a direct mapping to rotation and end-to-end learning. As a result, population codes facilitate fast and accurate pose estimation. On the T-LESS dataset, we achieve inference in 3.2 milliseconds on an Apple M1 CPU and a Maximum Symmetry-Aware Surface Distance accuracy of 84.7% using only gray-scale image input, compared to 69.7% accuracy when directly mapping to pose.


著者 Heiko Hoffmann,Richard Hoffmann
発行日 2025-03-11 23:24:30+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, cs.RO パーマリンク