畳み込み合成ベースの$ \ ELL_1 $正規化のフレームワークで、空間的に適応的なパラメーターマップを学習するための展開されたアルゴリズムアプローチを提案します。
We propose an unrolled algorithm approach for learning spatially adaptive parameter maps in the framework of convolutional synthesis-based $\ell_1$ regularization. More precisely, we consider a family of pre-trained convolutional filters and estimate deeply parametrized spatially varying parameters applied to the sparse feature maps by means of unrolling a FISTA algorithm to solve the underlying sparse estimation problem. The proposed approach is evaluated for image reconstruction of low-field MRI and compared to spatially adaptive and non-adaptive analysis-type procedures relying on Total Variation regularization and to a well-established model-based deep learning approach. We show that the proposed approach produces visually and quantitatively comparable results with the latter approaches and at the same time remains highly interpretable. In particular, the inferred parameter maps quantify the local contribution of each filter in the reconstruction, which provides valuable insight into the algorithm mechanism and could potentially be used to discard unsuited filters.
著者 | Andreas Kofler,Luca Calatroni,Christoph Kolbitsch,Kostas Papafitsoros |
発行日 | 2025-03-12 15:38:11+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google