A Deterministic Sampling Method via Maximum Mean Discrepancy Flow with Adaptive Kernel


最大平均の不一致(MMD)としても知られるカーネルの不一致を最小化することにより、ターゲット分布$ \ rho^*$を近似する新しい決定論的サンプリング方法を提案します。
一般的な\ emphing {エネルギー変分推論}フレームワーク(Wang et al。、2021)を使用することにより、MMDを最小化する問題を粒子の動的なODEシステムを解くことに変換します。


We propose a novel deterministic sampling method to approximate a target distribution $\rho^*$ by minimizing the kernel discrepancy, also known as the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD). By employing the general \emph{energetic variational inference} framework (Wang et al., 2021), we convert the problem of minimizing MMD to solving a dynamic ODE system of the particles. We adopt the implicit Euler numerical scheme to solve the ODE systems. This leads to a proximal minimization problem in each iteration of updating the particles, which can be solved by optimization algorithms such as L-BFGS. The proposed method is named EVI-MMD. To overcome the long-existing issue of bandwidth selection of the Gaussian kernel, we propose a novel way to specify the bandwidth dynamically. Through comprehensive numerical studies, we have shown the proposed adaptive bandwidth significantly improves the EVI-MMD. We use the EVI-MMD algorithm to solve two types of sampling problems. In the first type, the target distribution is given by a fully specified density function. The second type is a ‘two-sample problem’, where only training data are available. The EVI-MMD method is used as a generative learning model to generate new samples that follow the same distribution as the training data. With the recommended settings of the tuning parameters, we show that the proposed EVI-MMD method outperforms some existing methods for both types of problems.


著者 Yindong Chen,Yiwei Wang,Lulu Kang,Chun Liu
発行日 2025-03-11 16:09:45+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.CO, stat.ML パーマリンク