Real-Time Structural Deflection Estimation in Hydraulically Actuated Systems Using 3D Flexible Multibody Simulation and DNNs


Neural Networkは、Pytorch、Adam Optimizer、さまざまなセンサー入力、および最小出力データの標準パラメーターを使用して、より短い時間で正常にトレーニングされました。
スライド訓練を受けたニューラルネットワークは、柔軟なマルチボディシミュレーションバッチを参照して、$ 10^7 $の偏向推定ソリューションを加速し、合理的な精度を提供しました。


The precision, stability, and performance of lightweight high-strength steel structures in heavy machinery is affected by their highly nonlinear dynamics. This, in turn, makes control more difficult, simulation more computationally intensive, and achieving real-time autonomy, using standard approaches, impossible. Machine learning through data-driven, physics-informed and physics-inspired networks, however, promises more computationally efficient and accurate solutions to nonlinear dynamic problems. This study proposes a novel framework that has been developed to estimate real-time structural deflection in hydraulically actuated three-dimensional systems. It is based on SLIDE, a machine-learning-based method to estimate dynamic responses of mechanical systems subjected to forced excitations.~Further, an algorithm is introduced for the data acquisition from a hydraulically actuated system using randomized initial configurations and hydraulic pressures.~The new framework was tested on a hydraulically actuated flexible boom with various sensor combinations and lifting various payloads. The neural network was successfully trained in less time using standard parameters from PyTorch, ADAM optimizer, the various sensor inputs, and minimal output data. The SLIDE-trained neural network accelerated deflection estimation solutions by a factor of $10^7$ in reference to flexible multibody simulation batches and provided reasonable accuracy. These results support the studies goal of providing robust, real-time solutions for control, robotic manipulators, structural health monitoring, and automation problems.


著者 Qasim Khadim,Peter Manzl,Emil Kurvinen,Aki Mikkola,Grzegorz Orzechowski,Johannes Gerstmayr
発行日 2025-03-10 16:56:35+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 68T05, 70E60, 74H15, 93C10, cs.LG, cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY, G.1.6, math.DS パーマリンク