Provably Accurate Shapley Value Estimation via Leverage Score Sampling


ただし、Shapley値を計算するのは正確に高価です。$ n $の機能を備えた一般的なモデルの場合、$ o(2^n)$モデルの評価が必要です。
この問題に対処し、レバレッジシャップを導入します。これは、$ O(n \ log n)$モデルの評価で実証的に正確なShapley値の推定値を提供するカーネルシャップの軽量変更です。


Originally introduced in game theory, Shapley values have emerged as a central tool in explainable machine learning, where they are used to attribute model predictions to specific input features. However, computing Shapley values exactly is expensive: for a general model with $n$ features, $O(2^n)$ model evaluations are necessary. To address this issue, approximation algorithms are widely used. One of the most popular is the Kernel SHAP algorithm, which is model agnostic and remarkably effective in practice. However, to the best of our knowledge, Kernel SHAP has no strong non-asymptotic complexity guarantees. We address this issue by introducing Leverage SHAP, a light-weight modification of Kernel SHAP that provides provably accurate Shapley value estimates with just $O(n\log n)$ model evaluations. Our approach takes advantage of a connection between Shapley value estimation and agnostic active learning by employing leverage score sampling, a powerful regression tool. Beyond theoretical guarantees, we show that Leverage SHAP consistently outperforms even the highly optimized implementation of Kernel SHAP available in the ubiquitous SHAP library [Lundberg & Lee, 2017].


著者 Christopher Musco,R. Teal Witter
発行日 2025-03-10 15:52:54+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.LG パーマリンク