順次検出アルゴリズム$ \ mathcal a $が変更を宣言するデータ依存の停止時間までに観察されたデータのみを使用して、ChangePointをローカライズする問題を調査します。
観測スペースまたは$ \ mathcal a $に条件を課すことはありません。シミュレートされたデータシーケンスで$ \ mathcal a $を実行できる必要があります。
This paper addresses a fundamental but largely unexplored challenge in sequential changepoint analysis: conducting inference following a detected change. We study the problem of localizing the changepoint using only the data observed up to a data-dependent stopping time at which a sequential detection algorithm $\mathcal A$ declares a change. We first construct confidence sets for the unknown changepoint when pre- and post-change distributions are assumed to be known. We then extend our framework to composite pre- and post-change scenarios. We impose no conditions on the observation space or on $\mathcal A$ — we only need to be able to run $\mathcal A$ on simulated data sequences. In summary, this work offers both theoretically sound and practically effective tools for sequential changepoint localization.
著者 | Aytijhya Saha,Aaditya Ramdas |
発行日 | 2025-03-10 13:20:58+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google