Discrete Gaussian Process Representations for Optimising UAV-based Precision Weed Mapping


Gaussian Process(GP)ベースのマッピングは、基礎となる変数(つまり、雑草分布)の継続的なモデリングを提供しますが、パス計画や視覚化などの実用的なタスクの離散化が必要です。
結果は、Quadtreeが全体的にベストのパフォーマンスを発揮することを示していますが、代替案は特定のシナリオで優れています:ヘキサゴンまたはBSP LSEスーツフィールドは、大きくて支配的な雑草パッチを備えていますが、クアッドツリーは分散した小規模分布に最適です。


Accurate agricultural weed mapping using UAVs is crucial for precision farming applications. Traditional methods rely on orthomosaic stitching from rigid flight paths, which is computationally intensive and time-consuming. Gaussian Process (GP)-based mapping offers continuous modelling of the underlying variable (i.e. weed distribution) but requires discretisation for practical tasks like path planning or visualisation. Current implementations often default to quadtrees or gridmaps without systematically evaluating alternatives. This study compares five discretisation methods: quadtrees, wedgelets, top-down binary space partition (BSP) trees using least square error (LSE), bottom-up BSP trees using graph merging, and variable-resolution hexagonal grids. Evaluations on real-world weed distributions measure visual similarity, mean squared error (MSE), and computational efficiency. Results show quadtrees perform best overall, but alternatives excel in specific scenarios: hexagons or BSP LSE suit fields with large, dominant weed patches, while quadtrees are optimal for dispersed small-scale distributions. These findings highlight the need to tailor discretisation approaches to weed distribution patterns (patch size, density, coverage) rather than relying on default methods. By choosing representations based on the underlying distribution, we can improve mapping accuracy and efficiency for precision agriculture applications.


著者 Jacob Swindell,Madeleine Darbyshire,Marija Popovic,Riccardo Polvara
発行日 2025-03-10 11:50:15+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク