opXRD: Open Experimental Powder X-ray Diffraction Database


Open Experimental Powder X-Ray回折データベース(OPXRD)を使用すると、ラベル付きおよび非標識実験粉末回折のオープンに利用可能で簡単にアクセス可能なデータセットを提供します。
幅広い材料クラスから、2179個のラベルが付けられた\ numpatterns fractogramsを収集しました。


Powder X-ray diffraction (pXRD) experiments are a cornerstone for materials structure characterization. Despite their widespread application, analyzing pXRD diffractograms still presents a significant challenge to automation and a bottleneck in high-throughput discovery in self-driving labs. Machine learning promises to resolve this bottleneck by enabling automated powder diffraction analysis. A notable difficulty in applying machine learning to this domain is the lack of sufficiently sized experimental datasets, which has constrained researchers to train primarily on simulated data. However, models trained on simulated pXRD patterns showed limited generalization to experimental patterns, particularly for low-quality experimental patterns with high noise levels and elevated backgrounds. With the Open Experimental Powder X-Ray Diffraction Database (opXRD), we provide an openly available and easily accessible dataset of labeled and unlabeled experimental powder diffractograms. Labeled opXRD data can be used to evaluate the performance of models on experimental data and unlabeled opXRD data can help improve the performance of models on experimental data, e.g. through transfer learning methods. We collected \numpatterns diffractograms, 2179 of them labeled, from a wide spectrum of materials classes. We hope this ongoing effort can guide machine learning research toward fully automated analysis of pXRD data and thus enable future self-driving materials labs.


著者 Daniel Hollarek,Henrik Schopmans,Jona Östreicher,Jonas Teufel,Bin Cao,Adie Alwen,Simon Schweidler,Mriganka Singh,Tim Kodalle,Hanlin Hu,Gregoire Heymans,Maged Abdelsamie,Arthur Hardiagon,Alexander Wieczorek,Siarhei Zhuk,Ruth Schwaiger,Sebastian Siol,François-Xavier Coudert,Moritz Wolf,Carolin M. Sutter-Fella,Ben Breitung,Andrea M. Hodge,Tong-yi Zhang,Pascal Friederich
発行日 2025-03-07 16:59:18+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cond-mat.mtrl-sci, cs.LG パーマリンク