On Mitigating Affinity Bias through Bandits with Evolving Biased Feedback


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Unconscious bias has been shown to influence how we assess our peers, with consequences for hiring, promotions and admissions. In this work, we focus on affinity bias, the component of unconscious bias which leads us to prefer people who are similar to us, despite no deliberate intention of favoritism. In a world where the people hired today become part of the hiring committee of tomorrow, we are particularly interested in understanding (and mitigating) how affinity bias affects this feedback loop. This problem has two distinctive features: 1) we only observe the biased value of a candidate, but we want to optimize with respect to their real value 2) the bias towards a candidate with a specific set of traits depends on the fraction of people in the hiring committee with the same set of traits. We introduce a new bandits variant that exhibits those two features, which we call affinity bandits. Unsurprisingly, classical algorithms such as UCB often fail to identify the best arm in this setting. We prove a new instance-dependent regret lower bound, which is larger than that in the standard bandit setting by a multiplicative function of $K$. Since we treat rewards that are time-varying and dependent on the policy’s past actions, deriving this lower bound requires developing proof techniques beyond the standard bandit techniques. Finally, we design an elimination-style algorithm which nearly matches this regret, despite never observing the real rewards.


著者 Matthew Faw,Constantine Caramanis,Jessica Hoffmann
発行日 2025-03-07 18:23:58+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG, stat.ML パーマリンク