Fundamental Limits of Hierarchical Secure Aggregation with Cyclic User Association


このホワイトペーパーでは、各ユーザーがラップアラウンドの方法で$ b $のリレーに接続されている周期的な関連性パターンを備えたHSAを検討します。
Gradient Codingに触発された入力のメッセージデザインを含む効率的な集約スキームを提案します。非常に重要でないセキュリティキーデザインを備えた分散コンピューティングにおける効率的な通信のための有名な技術です。


Secure aggregation is motivated by federated learning (FL) where a cloud server aims to compute an averaged model (i.e., weights of deep neural networks) of the locally-trained models of numerous clients, while adhering to data security requirements. Hierarchical secure aggregation (HSA) extends this concept to a three-layer network, where clustered users communicate with the server through an intermediate layer of relays. In HSA, beyond conventional server security, relay security is also enforced to ensure that the relays remain oblivious to the users’ inputs (an abstraction of the local models in FL). Existing study on HSA assumes that each user is associated with only one relay, limiting opportunities for coding across inter-cluster users to achieve efficient communication and key generation. In this paper, we consider HSA with a cyclic association pattern where each user is connected to $B$ consecutive relays in a wrap-around manner. We propose an efficient aggregation scheme which includes a message design for the inputs inspired by gradient coding-a well-known technique for efficient communication in distributed computing-along with a highly nontrivial security key design. We also derive novel converse bounds on the minimum achievable communication and key rates using information-theoretic arguments.


著者 Xiang Zhang,Zhou Li,Kai Wan,Hua Sun,Mingyue Ji,Giuseppe Caire
発行日 2025-03-07 10:01:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CR, cs.DC, cs.IT, math.IT パーマリンク