Pretrained Embeddings as a Behavior Specification Mechanism


重要なアイデアは、埋め込み – 実世界の概念の数学的表現 – を導入することです。特別な言語のファーストクラスの構造として、特性は理想的な埋め込みと観測された埋め込みの距離で表現されます。


We propose an approach to formally specifying the behavioral properties of systems that rely on a perception model for interactions with the physical world. The key idea is to introduce embeddings — mathematical representations of a real-world concept — as a first-class construct in a specification language, where properties are expressed in terms of distances between a pair of ideal and observed embeddings. To realize this approach, we propose a new type of temporal logic called Embedding Temporal Logic (ETL), and describe how it can be used to express a wider range of properties about AI-enabled systems than previously possible. We demonstrate the applicability of ETL through a preliminary evaluation involving planning tasks in robots that are driven by foundation models; the results are promising, showing that embedding-based specifications can be used to steer a system towards desirable behaviors.


著者 Parv Kapoor,Abigail Hammer,Ashish Kapoor,Karen Leung,Eunsuk Kang
発行日 2025-03-06 14:32:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO, cs.SE パーマリンク