Tiny Lidars for Manipulator Self-Awareness: Sensor Characterization and Initial Localization Experiments


この論文では、小型化されたVL53L5CX飛行時間(TOF)センサー(Tiny LIDARS)から得られた粗いポイント雲を利用して、ロボットのワークスペースにターゲットオブジェクトをローカライズするアプローチを提案します。


For several tasks, ranging from manipulation to inspection, it is beneficial for robots to localize a target object in their surroundings. In this paper, we propose an approach that utilizes coarse point clouds obtained from miniaturized VL53L5CX Time-of-Flight (ToF) sensors (tiny lidars) to localize a target object in the robot’s workspace. We first conduct an experimental campaign to calibrate the dependency of sensor readings on relative range and orientation to targets. We then propose a probabilistic sensor model that is validated in an object pose estimation task using a Particle Filter (PF). The results show that the proposed sensor model improves the performance of the localization of the target object with respect to two baselines: one that assumes measurements are free from uncertainty and one in which the confidence is provided by the sensor datasheet.


著者 Giammarco Caroleo,Alessandro Albini,Daniele De Martini,Timothy D. Barfoot,Perla Maiolino
発行日 2025-03-05 12:26:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO パーマリンク