Exploring Code Language Models for Automated HLS-based Hardware Generation: Benchmark, Infrastructure and Analysis


コード生成の最近の進歩により、PythonやC ++などの汎用プログラミング言語に大規模な言語モデル(LLM)を採用する可能性が明らかになり、ソフトウェア開発を自動化し、プログラマーの生産性を高めるための新しい機会を開きました。


Recent advances in code generation have illuminated the potential of employing large language models (LLMs) for general-purpose programming languages such as Python and C++, opening new opportunities for automating software development and enhancing programmer productivity. The potential of LLMs in software programming has sparked significant interest in exploring automated hardware generation and automation. Although preliminary endeavors have been made to adopt LLMs in generating hardware description languages (HDLs), several challenges persist in this direction. First, the volume of available HDL training data is substantially smaller compared to that for software programming languages. Second, the pre-trained LLMs, mainly tailored for software code, tend to produce HDL designs that are more error-prone. Third, the generation of HDL requires a significantly higher number of tokens compared to software programming, leading to inefficiencies in cost and energy consumption. To tackle these challenges, this paper explores leveraging LLMs to generate High-Level Synthesis (HLS)-based hardware design. Although code generation for domain-specific programming languages is not new in the literature, we aim to provide experimental results, insights, benchmarks, and evaluation infrastructure to investigate the suitability of HLS over low-level HDLs for LLM-assisted hardware design generation. To achieve this, we first finetune pre-trained models for HLS-based hardware generation, using a collected dataset with text prompts and corresponding reference HLS designs. An LLM-assisted framework is then proposed to automate end-to-end hardware code generation, which also investigates the impact of chain-of-thought and feedback loops promoting techniques on HLS-design generation. Limited by the timeframe of this research, we plan to evaluate more advanced reasoning models in the future.


著者 Jiahao Gai,Hao Mark Chen,Zhican Wang,Hongyu Zhou,Wanru Zhao,Nicholas Lane,Hongxiang Fan
発行日 2025-03-05 16:07:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AR, cs.LG, cs.SE パーマリンク