Efficient Neural SDE Training using Wiener-Space Cubature


これにより、効率的なODE ADENTメソッドによって勾配を計算できます。


A neural stochastic differential equation (SDE) is an SDE with drift and diffusion terms parametrized by neural networks. The training procedure for neural SDEs consists of optimizing the SDE vector field (neural network) parameters to minimize the expected value of an objective functional on infinite-dimensional path-space. Existing training techniques focus on methods to efficiently compute path-wise gradients of the objective functional with respect to these parameters, then pair this with Monte-Carlo simulation to estimate the expectation, and stochastic gradient descent to optimize. In this work we introduce a novel training technique which bypasses and improves upon Monte-Carlo simulation; we extend results in the theory of Wiener-space cubature to approximate the expected objective functional by a weighted sum of deterministic ODE solutions. This allows us to compute gradients by efficient ODE adjoint methods. Furthermore, we exploit a high-order recombination scheme to drastically reduce the number of ODE solutions necessary to achieve a reasonable approximation. We show that this Wiener-space cubature approach can surpass the O(1/sqrt(n)) rate of Monte-Carlo simulation, or the O(log(n)/n) rate of quasi-Monte-Carlo, to achieve a O(1/n) rate under reasonable assumptions.


著者 Luke Snow,Vikram Krishnamurthy
発行日 2025-03-05 15:10:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.LG パーマリンク