Deictic Codes, Demonstratives, and Reference: A Step Toward Solving the Grounding Problem


この関係は、Deictic Actsの機能を通じてオブジェクトファイルの形成につながる空間的およびオブジェクト中心の注意によって提供されると主張します。


In this paper we address the issue of grounding for experiential concepts. Given that perceptual demonstratives are a basic form of such concepts, we examine ways of fixing the referents of such demonstratives. To avoid ‘encodingism’, that is, relating representations to representations, we postulate that the process of reference fixing must be bottom-up and nonconceptual, so that it can break the circle of conceptual content and touch the world. For that purpose, an appropriate causal relation between representations and the world is needed. We claim that this relation is provided by spatial and object-centered attention that leads to the formation of object files through the function of deictic acts. This entire causal process takes place at a pre-conceptual level, meeting the requirement for a solution to the grounding problem. Finally we claim that our account captures fundamental insights in Putnam’s and Kripke’s work on ‘new’ reference.


著者 Athanassios Raftopoulos,Vincent C. Müller
発行日 2025-03-05 13:34:49+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク