RedChronos: A Large Language Model-Based Log Analysis System for Insider Threat Detection in Enterprises


パブリックデータセットCERT 4.2および5.2では、RedChronosは、精度、精度、および検出率の観点から既存のアプローチを上回るか、一致させます。
さらに、レッドクロノスは、Xiaohongshu Socでセキュリティログレビューへの手動介入の必要性を90 \%減少させます。


Internal threat detection aims to address security threats within organizations or enterprises by identifying potential or already occurring malicious threats within vast amounts of logs. Although organizations or enterprises have dedicated personnel responsible for reviewing these logs, it is impossible to manually examine all logs entirely. In response to the vast number of logs, we propose a system called RedChronos, which is a Large Language Model-Based Log Analysis System. This system incorporates innovative improvements over previous research by employing Query-Aware Weighted Voting and a Semantic Expansion-based Genetic Algorithm with LLM-driven Mutations. On the public datasets CERT 4.2 and 5.2, RedChronos outperforms or matches existing approaches in terms of accuracy, precision, and detection rate. Moreover, RedChronos reduces the need for manual intervention in security log reviews by 90\% in the Xiaohongshu SOC. Therefore, our RedChronos system demonstrates exceptional performance in handling Internal Threat Detection (IDT) tasks, providing innovative solutions for these challenges. We believe that future research can continue to enhance the system’s performance in IDT tasks while also reducing the response time to internal risk events.


著者 Chenyu Li,Zhengjia Zhu,Jiyan He,Xiu Zhang
発行日 2025-03-04 15:18:40+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CR, cs.LG パーマリンク