Do we still need Human Annotators? Prompting Large Language Models for Aspect Sentiment Quad Prediction


Aspect Sentiment Quadruple Prediction(ASQP)は、各意見の意見用語、アスペクト用語、アスペクトカテゴリ、およびセンチメントの極性を特定することにより、テキストで表明された意見の詳細な理解を促進します。
さらに、ターゲットアスペクトセンチメント検出(TASD)でのLLMSのパフォーマンスを報告します。F1スコアも微調整されたモデルに近く、MVPの72.76と比較して、40ショット設定でREST 16で66.03を達成しました。


Aspect sentiment quadruple prediction (ASQP) facilitates a detailed understanding of opinions expressed in a text by identifying the opinion term, aspect term, aspect category and sentiment polarity for each opinion. However, annotating a full set of training examples to fine-tune models for ASQP is a resource-intensive process. In this study, we explore the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for zero- and few-shot learning on the ASQP task across five diverse datasets. We report F1 scores slightly below those obtained with state-of-the-art fine-tuned models but exceeding previously reported zero- and few-shot performance. In the 40-shot setting on the Rest16 restaurant domain dataset, LLMs achieved an F1 score of 52.46, compared to 60.39 by the best-performing fine-tuned method MVP. Additionally, we report the performance of LLMs in target aspect sentiment detection (TASD), where the F1 scores were also close to fine-tuned models, achieving 66.03 on Rest16 in the 40-shot setting, compared to 72.76 with MVP. While human annotators remain essential for achieving optimal performance, LLMs can reduce the need for extensive manual annotation in ASQP tasks.


著者 Nils Constantin Hellwig,Jakob Fehle,Udo Kruschwitz,Christian Wolff
発行日 2025-03-04 13:51:34+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク