10K is Enough: An Ultra-Lightweight Binarized Network for Infrared Small-Target Detection




The widespread deployment of InfRared Small-Target Detection(IRSTD) algorithms on edge devices necessitates the exploration of model compression techniques. Binary neural networks (BNNs) are distinguished by their exceptional efficiency in model compression. However, the small size of infrared targets introduces stringent precision requirements for the IRSTD task, while the inherent precision loss during binarization presents a significant challenge. To address this, we propose the Binarized Infrared Small-Target Detection Network (BiisNet), which preserves the core operations of binarized convolutions while integrating full-precision features into the network’s information flow. Specifically, we propose the Dot-Binary Convolution, which retains fine-grained semantic information in feature maps while still leveraging the binarized convolution operations. In addition, we introduce a smooth and adaptive Dynamic Softsign function, which provides more comprehensive and progressively finer gradient during back-propagation, enhancing model stability and promoting an optimal weight distribution.Experimental results demonstrate that BiisNet not only significantly outperforms other binary architectures but also demonstrates strong competitiveness among state-of-the-art full-precision models.


著者 Biqiao Xin,Qianchen Mao,Bingshu Wang,Jiangbin Zheng,Yong Zhao,C. L. Philip Chen
発行日 2025-03-04 14:25:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク