Probabilistic Variational Causal Approach in Observational Studies


PACEにはパラメーター$ d $があり、$ d $の値が低い値はまれな治療値を強調しているシナリオに対応しますが、$ d $の値は、より頻繁な治療レベルの因果的影響がより関連性がある状況に焦点を当てています。
したがって、単一の因果効果値の代わりに、$ d $の因果効果関数を提供します。


In this paper, we introduce a new causal methodology that accounts for the rarity and frequency of events in observational studies based on their relevance to the underlying problem. Specifically, we propose a direct causal effect metric called the Probabilistic vAriational Causal Effect (PACE) and its variations adhering to certain postulates applicable to both non-binary and binary treatments. The PACE metric is derived by integrating the concept of total variation, representing the purely causal component, with interventions on the treatment value, combined with the probabilities of hypothetical transitioning between treatment levels. PACE features a parameter $d$, where lower values of $d$ correspond to scenarios emphasizing rare treatment values, while higher values of $d$ focus on situations where the causal impact of more frequent treatment levels is more relevant. Thus, instead of a single causal effect value, we provide a causal effect function of the degree $d$. Additionally, we introduce positive and negative PACE to measure the respective positive and negative causal changes in the outcome as exposure values shift. We also consider normalized versions of PACE, referred to MEAN PACE. Furthermore, we provide an identifiability criterion for PACE to handle counterfactual challenges in observational studies, and we define several generalizations of our methodology. Lastly, we compare our framework with other well-known causal frameworks through the analysis of various examples.


著者 Usef Faghihi,Amir Saki
発行日 2025-02-27 16:57:44+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: 26A45, 6008, 68T20, 68T27, 68T37, 68U99, cs.AI, cs.LO, G.3 パーマリンク