SLAM in the Dark: Self-Supervised Learning of Pose, Depth and Loop-Closure from Thermal Images


広範な屋外実験は、DarkslamがSC-SFM-LearnerやShin et al。などの既存の方法を大幅に上回ることを示しており、挑戦的な夜間環境でも正確なローカリゼーションと3D密度のマッピングを提供しています。


Visual SLAM is essential for mobile robots, drone navigation, and VR/AR, but traditional RGB camera systems struggle in low-light conditions, driving interest in thermal SLAM, which excels in such environments. However, thermal imaging faces challenges like low contrast, high noise, and limited large-scale annotated datasets, restricting the use of deep learning in outdoor scenarios. We present DarkSLAM, a noval deep learning-based monocular thermal SLAM system designed for large-scale localization and reconstruction in complex lighting conditions.Our approach incorporates the Efficient Channel Attention (ECA) mechanism in visual odometry and the Selective Kernel Attention (SKA) mechanism in depth estimation to enhance pose accuracy and mitigate thermal depth degradation. Additionally, the system includes thermal depth-based loop closure detection and pose optimization, ensuring robust performance in low-texture thermal scenes. Extensive outdoor experiments demonstrate that DarkSLAM significantly outperforms existing methods like SC-Sfm-Learner and Shin et al., delivering precise localization and 3D dense mapping even in challenging nighttime environments.


著者 Yangfan Xu,Qu Hao,Lilian Zhang,Jun Mao,Xiaofeng He,Wenqi Wu,Changhao Chen
発行日 2025-02-26 08:34:23+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.RO パーマリンク