A Lightweight and Extensible Cell Segmentation and Classification Model for Whole Slide Images


次に、H-Optimus Foundationモデルを固定エンコーダーとして活用して、同時セグメンテーションと分類タスクの機能表現を改善します。
具体的には、平均$ r^2 $は0.575から0.871に改善され、平均$ PQ $スコアは0.450から0.492に改善され、実際のセルカウントとセグメンテーションの品質が向上したことを示しています。


Developing clinically useful cell-level analysis tools in digital pathology remains challenging due to limitations in dataset granularity, inconsistent annotations, high computational demands, and difficulties integrating new technologies into workflows. To address these issues, we propose a solution that enhances data quality, model performance, and usability by creating a lightweight, extensible cell segmentation and classification model. First, we update data labels through cross-relabeling to refine annotations of PanNuke and MoNuSAC, producing a unified dataset with seven distinct cell types. Second, we leverage the H-Optimus foundation model as a fixed encoder to improve feature representation for simultaneous segmentation and classification tasks. Third, to address foundation models’ computational demands, we distill knowledge to reduce model size and complexity while maintaining comparable performance. Finally, we integrate the distilled model into QuPath, a widely used open-source digital pathology platform. Results demonstrate improved segmentation and classification performance using the H-Optimus-based model compared to a CNN-based model. Specifically, average $R^2$ improved from 0.575 to 0.871, and average $PQ$ score improved from 0.450 to 0.492, indicating better alignment with actual cell counts and enhanced segmentation quality. The distilled model maintains comparable performance while reducing parameter count by a factor of 48. By reducing computational complexity and integrating into workflows, this approach may significantly impact diagnostics, reduce pathologist workload, and improve outcomes. Although the method shows promise, extensive validation is necessary prior to clinical deployment.


著者 Nikita Shvetsov,Thomas K. Kilvaer,Masoud Tafavvoghi,Anders Sildnes,Kajsa Møllersen,Lill-Tove Rasmussen Busund,Lars Ailo Bongo
発行日 2025-02-26 15:19:52+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CV, I.2.10 パーマリンク