Design and Control of a VTOL Aerial Vehicle Tilting its Rotors Only with Rotor Thrusts and a Passive Joint


このペーパーでは、4つのローターと胴体をパッシブジョイントで接続するリンクを所有する新しいVTOL UAVを紹介し、ローターのスラストを調整することでローターの傾斜角の制御を可能にします。


This paper presents a novel VTOL UAV that owns a link connecting four rotors and a fuselage by a passive joint, allowing the control of the rotor’s tilting angle by adjusting the rotors’ thrust. This unique structure contributes to eliminating additional actuators, such as servo motors, to control the tilting angles of rotors, resulting in the UAV’s weight lighter and simpler structure. We first derive the dynamical model of the newly designed UAV and analyze its controllability. Then, we design the controller that leverages the tiltable link with four rotors to accelerate the UAV while suppressing a deviation of the UAV’s angle of attack from the desired value to restrain the change of the aerodynamic force. Finally, the validity of the proposed control strategy is evaluated in simulation study.


著者 Takumi Ito,Riku Funada,Mitsuji Sampei
発行日 2025-02-25 16:57:41+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.RO, cs.SY, eess.SY パーマリンク