AMPO: Active Multi-Preference Optimization


この作業では、$ \ textIT {Active Multi-Preference Optimization} $(AMPO)を提案します。これは、ポリシー上の生成、マルチプレーショングループ制御の損失、およびアクティブなサブセット選択を組み合わせた新しいアプローチです。
理論的には、アクティブ選択方法を使用した予想される報酬の最大化の保証を提供し、経験的には、AMPOはLlama 8bを使用して$ \ textit {alpacaeval} $で最新の結果を達成します。


Multi-preference optimization enriches language-model alignment beyond pairwise preferences by contrasting entire sets of helpful and undesired responses, thereby enabling richer training signals for large language models. During self-play alignment, these models often produce numerous candidate answers per query, rendering it computationally infeasible to include all responses in the training objective. In this work, we propose $\textit{Active Multi-Preference Optimization}$ (AMPO), a novel approach that combines on-policy generation, a multi-preference group-contrastive loss, and active subset selection. Specifically, we score and embed large candidate pools of responses and then select a small, yet informative, subset that covers reward extremes and distinct semantic clusters for preference optimization. Our contrastive training scheme is capable of identifying not only the best and worst answers but also subtle, underexplored modes that are crucial for robust alignment. Theoretically, we provide guarantees for expected reward maximization using our active selection method, and empirically, AMPO achieves state-of-the-art results on $\textit{AlpacaEval}$ using Llama 8B.


著者 Taneesh Gupta,Rahul Madhavan,Xuchao Zhang,Chetan Bansal,Saravan Rajmohan
発行日 2025-02-25 15:29:51+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク