Unveiling Downstream Performance Scaling of LLMs: A Clustering-Based Perspective


提案された方法は、70B LLMのパフォーマンススケーリングを予測するために適用されており、リソースの割り当てをトレーニングし、トレーニングプロセスの監視を支援するための実用的な洞察を提供します。
特に、CODは、小さなモデルのアンサンブルを活用することにより、70B LLMで顕著な予測精度を達成し、8つの重要なLLM評価ベンチマークにわたって1.36%の絶対平均偏差を示しています。


The rapid advancements in computing dramatically increase the scale and cost of training Large Language Models (LLMs). Accurately predicting downstream task performance prior to model training is crucial for efficient resource allocation, yet remains challenging due to two primary constraints: (1) the ‘emergence phenomenon’, wherein downstream performance metrics become meaningful only after extensive training, which limits the ability to use smaller models for prediction; (2) Uneven task difficulty distributions and the absence of consistent scaling laws, resulting in substantial metric variability. Existing performance prediction methods suffer from limited accuracy and reliability, thereby impeding the assessment of potential LLM capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose a Clustering-On-Difficulty (COD) downstream performance prediction framework. COD first constructs a predictable support subset by clustering tasks based on difficulty features, strategically excluding non-emergent and non-scalable clusters. The scores on the selected subset serve as effective intermediate predictors of downstream performance on the full evaluation set. With theoretical support, we derive a mapping function that transforms performance metrics from the predictable subset to the full evaluation set, thereby ensuring accurate extrapolation of LLM downstream performance. The proposed method has been applied to predict performance scaling for a 70B LLM, providing actionable insights for training resource allocation and assisting in monitoring the training process. Notably, COD achieves remarkable predictive accuracy on the 70B LLM by leveraging an ensemble of small models, demonstrating an absolute mean deviation of 1.36% across eight important LLM evaluation benchmarks.


著者 Chengyin Xu,Kaiyuan Chen,Xiao Li,Ke Shen,Chenggang Li
発行日 2025-02-24 15:44:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.AI, cs.CL, cs.LG パーマリンク