Leveraging Procedural Knowledge and Task Hierarchies for Efficient Instructional Video Pre-training


この事前知識を使用して、ステップとタスクの予測のために、モデル$ \ texttt {pivot} $を事前に引き出します。
したがって、以前のタスクとステップ構造を活用すると、教育ビデオ推奨のために$ \ texttt {pivot} $の効率的なトレーニングが可能になります。


Instructional videos provide a convenient modality to learn new tasks (ex. cooking a recipe, or assembling furniture). A viewer will want to find a corresponding video that reflects both the overall task they are interested in as well as contains the relevant steps they need to carry out the task. To perform this, an instructional video model should be capable of inferring both the tasks and the steps that occur in an input video. Doing this efficiently and in a generalizable fashion is key when compute or relevant video topics used to train this model are limited. To address these requirements we explicitly mine task hierarchies and the procedural steps associated with instructional videos. We use this prior knowledge to pre-train our model, $\texttt{Pivot}$, for step and task prediction. During pre-training, we also provide video augmentation and early stopping strategies to optimally identify which model to use for downstream tasks. We test this pre-trained model on task recognition, step recognition, and step prediction tasks on two downstream datasets. When pre-training data and compute are limited, we outperform previous baselines along these tasks. Therefore, leveraging prior task and step structures enables efficient training of $\texttt{Pivot}$ for instructional video recommendation.


著者 Karan Samel,Nitish Sontakke,Irfan Essa
発行日 2025-02-24 17:29:10+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク