このホワイトペーパーでは、計画中に剪定の支配ルールを活用しながら、ヒューリスティックによって導かれたゴールまでの部分的なソリューションパスを繰り返し構築する、燃料補給a $^*$(rf-a $^*$)と呼ばれるヒューリスティック検索アルゴリズムを開発します。
RF-a $^*$は、最適なソリューションを見つけるために保証されており、多くの場合、数百のガソリンスタンドを備えた大都市マップの既存のアプローチよりも2〜8倍速く実行されます。
This paper considers a generalization of the Path Finding (PF) problem with refuelling constraints referred to as the Gas Station Problem (GSP). Similar to PF, given a graph where vertices are gas stations with known fuel prices, and edge costs are the gas consumption between the two vertices, GSP seeks a minimum-cost path from the start to the goal vertex for a robot with a limited gas tank and a limited number of refuelling stops. While GSP is polynomial-time solvable, it remains a challenge to quickly compute an optimal solution in practice since it requires simultaneously determine the path, where to make the stops, and the amount to refuel at each stop. This paper develops a heuristic search algorithm called Refuel A$^*$ (RF-A$^*$) that iteratively constructs partial solution paths from the start to the goal guided by a heuristic while leveraging dominance rules for pruning during planning. RF-A$^*$ is guaranteed to find an optimal solution and often runs 2 to 8 times faster than the existing approaches in large city maps with several hundreds of gas stations.
著者 | Shizhe Zhao,Anushtup Nandy,Howie Choset,Sivakumar Rathinam,Zhongqiang Ren |
発行日 | 2025-02-24 06:31:38+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google