Robust Bias Detection in MLMs and its Application to Human Trait Ratings


次に、$ \ textit {personality} $および$ \ textit {character} $の特性のコンテキストで、ジェンダーバイアスの斬新な問題を調査します。
アルバートはバイナリの性別では偏見がありませんが、非バイナリ$ \ textit {neo} $で最も偏っていますが、ロベルタ・ラージはバイナリの性別で最も偏っていますが、$ \ textit {neo} $の小さい〜バイアスを示しています。
MLMバイアスと心理学の発見(人間の視点)のいくつかの整合性があります-Roberta-largeと$ \ textit {asmeableness} $には、$ \ textit {感情的安定性} $がBert-largeを使用しています。


There has been significant prior work using templates to study bias against demographic attributes in MLMs. However, these have limitations: they overlook random variability of templates and target concepts analyzed, assume equality amongst templates, and overlook bias quantification. Addressing these, we propose a systematic statistical approach to assess bias in MLMs, using mixed models to account for random effects, pseudo-perplexity weights for sentences derived from templates and quantify bias using statistical effect sizes. Replicating prior studies, we match on bias scores in magnitude and direction with small to medium effect sizes. Next, we explore the novel problem of gender bias in the context of $\textit{personality}$ and $\textit{character}$ traits, across seven MLMs (base and large). We find that MLMs vary; ALBERT is unbiased for binary gender but the most biased for non-binary $\textit{neo}$, while RoBERTa-large is the most biased for binary gender but shows small to no bias for $\textit{neo}$. There is some alignment of MLM bias and findings in psychology (human perspective) – in $\textit{agreeableness}$ with RoBERTa-large and $\textit{emotional stability}$ with BERT-large. There is general agreement for the remaining 3 personality dimensions: both sides observe at most small differences across gender. For character traits, human studies on gender bias are limited thus comparisons are not feasible.


著者 Ingroj Shrestha,Louis Tay,Padmini Srinivasan
発行日 2025-02-21 17:18:02+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク