Generative Video Diffusion for Unseen Novel Semantic Video Moment Retrieval




Video moment retrieval (VMR) aims to locate the most likely video moment(s) corresponding to a text query in untrimmed videos. Training of existing methods is limited by the lack of diverse and generalisable VMR datasets, hindering their ability to generalise moment-text associations to queries containing novel semantic concepts (unseen both visually and textually in a training source domain). For model generalisation to novel semantics, existing methods rely heavily on assuming to have access to both video and text sentence pairs from a target domain in addition to the source domain pair-wise training data. This is neither practical nor scalable. In this work, we introduce a more generalisable approach by assuming only text sentences describing new semantics are available in model training without having seen any videos from a target domain. To that end, we propose a Fine-grained Video Editing framework, termed FVE, that explores generative video diffusion to facilitate fine-grained video editing from the seen source concepts to the unseen target sentences consisting of new concepts. This enables generative hypotheses of unseen video moments corresponding to the novel concepts in the target domain. This fine-grained generative video diffusion retains the original video structure and subject specifics from the source domain while introducing semantic distinctions of unseen novel vocabularies in the target domain. A critical challenge is how to enable this generative fine-grained diffusion process to be meaningful in optimising VMR, more than just synthesising visually pleasing videos. We solve this problem by introducing a hybrid selection mechanism that integrates three quantitative metrics to selectively incorporate synthetic video moments (novel video hypotheses) as enlarged additions to the original source training data, whilst minimising potential …


著者 Dezhao Luo,Shaogang Gong,Jiabo Huang,Hailin Jin,Yang Liu
発行日 2025-02-21 12:30:11+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CV パーマリンク