Real-world Troublemaker: A Novel Track Testing Framework for Automated Driving Systems in Safety-critical Interaction Scenarios


提案されたフレームワークは、Tongji University Intelligent Connected Vehicle Averuation Baseで正常に実装されています。
従来のトラックテスト方法と比較して、トラブルメーカーはシナリオの繁殖精度を65.2 \%改善し、ターゲット車両相互作用戦略の多様性を約9.2倍増加させ、保護されていない左ターンシナリオで安全性批判シナリオの露出頻度を3.5倍増加させます。


Track testing plays a critical role in the safety evaluation of autonomous driving systems (ADS), as it provides real-world object targets and a safety-controllable interaction environment. However, existing track testing scenarios are often pre-fixed and limited, primarily due to the inflexibility of object target control methods and the lack of intelligent interactive behaviors. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel track testing framework, Real-world Troublemaker, which can generate adversarial object target motion trajectories and facilitate intelligent interactions with the vehicle under test (VUT), creating a more realistic and dynamic testing environment. To enable flexible motion trajectories, cloud-controlled technology is utilized to remotely and dynamically control object targets to create a realistic traffic environment. To achieve intelligent interactions, an interactive concrete scenario generation method is introduced within a game-theoretic structure. The proposed framework has been successfully implemented at the Tongji University Intelligent Connected Vehicle Evaluation Base. Field test results demonstrate that Troublemaker can perform dynamic interactive testing of ADS accurately and effectively. Compared to traditional track testing methods, Troublemaker improves scenario reproduction accuracy by 65.2\%, increases the diversity of target vehicle interaction strategies by approximately 9.2 times, and enhances exposure frequency of safety-critical scenarios by 3.5 times in unprotected left-turn scenarios.


著者 Xinrui Zhang,Lu Xiong,Peizhi Zhang,Junpeng Huang,Yining Ma
発行日 2025-02-20 13:59:57+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.ET, cs.RO パーマリンク