I-MCTS: Enhancing Agentic AutoML via Introspective Monte Carlo Tree Search


これにより、高品質のノードを以前に通過できます。さまざまなMLタスクに適用されると、私たちのアプローチは、強力なオープンソースAutomlエージェントと比較してパフォーマンスのA6 \%絶対改善を実証し、エージェントAutomlシステムの強化における有効性を示しています。


Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable potential in automating machine learning tasks. However, existing LLM-based agents often struggle with low-diversity and suboptimal code generation. While recent work has introduced Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to address these issues, limitations persist in the quality and diversity of thoughts generated, as well as in the scalar value feedback mechanisms used for node selection. In this study, we introduce Introspective Monte Carlo Tree Search (I-MCTS), a novel approach that iteratively expands tree nodes through an introspective process that meticulously analyzes solutions and results from parent and sibling nodes. This facilitates a continuous refinement of the node in the search tree, thereby enhancing the overall decision-making process.Furthermore, we integrate a Large Language Model (LLM)-based value model to facilitate direct evaluation of each node’s solution prior to conducting comprehensive computational rollouts. A hybrid rewarding mechanism is implemented to seamlessly transition the Q-value from LLM-estimated scores to actual performance scores. This allows higher-quality nodes to be traversed earlier.Applied to the various ML tasks, our approach demonstrates a6\% absolute improvement in performance compared to the strong open-source AutoML agents, showcasing its effectiveness in enhancing agentic AutoML systems.


著者 Zujie Liang,Feng Wei,Wujiang Xu,Lin Chen,Yuxi Qian,Xinhui Wu
発行日 2025-02-20 16:19:09+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス

arxiv.jp, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL パーマリンク