Towards Human Understanding of Paraphrase Types in Large Language Models


Apty(Atomic Paraphrase Types)を紹介します。これは、15のアノテーターによる800文レベルおよび単語レベルの注釈のデータセットです。
我々の結果は、ChatGptとDPOトレーニングを受けたLlama 7Bモデルが、追加や削除などの単純なAPTを生成できるが、複雑な構造(たとえば、従属変化など)と闘うことができることを明らかにしています。


Paraphrases represent a human’s intuitive ability to understand expressions presented in various different ways. Current paraphrase evaluations of language models primarily use binary approaches, offering limited interpretability of specific text changes. Atomic paraphrase types (APT) decompose paraphrases into different linguistic changes and offer a granular view of the flexibility in linguistic expression (e.g., a shift in syntax or vocabulary used). In this study, we assess the human preferences towards ChatGPT in generating English paraphrases with ten APTs and five prompting techniques. We introduce APTY (Atomic Paraphrase TYpes), a dataset of 800 sentence-level and word-level annotations by 15 annotators. The dataset also provides a human preference ranking of paraphrases with different types that can be used to fine-tune models with RLHF and DPO methods. Our results reveal that ChatGPT and a DPO-trained LLama 7B model can generate simple APTs, such as additions and deletions, but struggle with complex structures (e.g., subordination changes). This study contributes to understanding which aspects of paraphrasing language models have already succeeded at understanding and what remains elusive. In addition, we show how our curated datasets can be used to develop language models with specific linguistic capabilities.


著者 Dominik Meier,Jan Philip Wahle,Terry Ruas,Bela Gipp
発行日 2025-02-18 16:39:48+00:00
arxivサイト arxiv_id(pdf)

提供元, 利用サービス, Google

カテゴリー: cs.CL, I.2.7 パーマリンク