Moving object segmentation plays a crucial role in understanding dynamic scenes involving multiple moving objects, while the difficulties lie in taking into account both spatial texture structures and temporal motion cues. Existing methods based on video frames encounter difficulties in distinguishing whether pixel displacements of an object are caused by camera motion or object motion due to the complexities of accurate image-based motion modeling. Recent advances exploit the motion sensitivity of novel event cameras to counter conventional images’ inadequate motion modeling capabilities, but instead lead to challenges in segmenting pixel-level object masks due to the lack of dense texture structures in events. To address these two limitations imposed by unimodal settings, we propose the first instance-level moving object segmentation framework that integrates complementary texture and motion cues. Our model incorporates implicit cross-modal masked attention augmentation, explicit contrastive feature learning, and flow-guided motion enhancement to exploit dense texture information from a single image and rich motion information from events, respectively. By leveraging the augmented texture and motion features, we separate mask segmentation from motion classification to handle varying numbers of independently moving objects. Through extensive evaluations on multiple datasets, as well as ablation experiments with different input settings and real-time efficiency analysis of the proposed framework, we believe that our first attempt to incorporate image and event data for practical deployment can provide new insights for future work in event-based motion related works. The source code with model training and pre-trained weights is released at https://npucvr.github.io/EvInsMOS
著者 | Zhexiong Wan,Bin Fan,Le Hui,Yuchao Dai,Gim Hee Lee |
発行日 | 2025-02-18 15:56:46+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google