ミリメートルスケールでは、高速ロボットダイナミクス($ \ sim $ ms)とシステムの遅延、モデルの不確実性、および外乱が飛行パフォーマンスに大きく影響します。
このコントローラーは、それぞれ720 mgと850 mgの重量がある2つの異なる昆虫スケールの空中ロボットに展開します。
ロボットは複数の成功したゼロショットホバリングフライトを実証し、最長50秒、横方向に1.34 cm、高度は0.05 cmのルート平均平方根エラーを示し、最初のエンドツーエンドのディープRLベースのフライトをマークします
Soft-actuated insect-scale micro aerial vehicles (IMAVs) pose unique challenges for designing robust and computationally efficient controllers. At the millimeter scale, fast robot dynamics ($\sim$ms), together with system delay, model uncertainty, and external disturbances significantly affect flight performances. Here, we design a deep reinforcement learning (RL) controller that addresses system delay and uncertainties. To initialize this neural network (NN) controller, we propose a modified behavior cloning (BC) approach with state-action re-matching to account for delay and domain-randomized expert demonstration to tackle uncertainty. Then we apply proximal policy optimization (PPO) to fine-tune the policy during RL, enhancing performance and smoothing commands. In simulations, our modified BC substantially increases the mean reward compared to baseline BC; and RL with PPO improves flight quality and reduces command fluctuations. We deploy this controller on two different insect-scale aerial robots that weigh 720 mg and 850 mg, respectively. The robots demonstrate multiple successful zero-shot hovering flights, with the longest lasting 50 seconds and root-mean-square errors of 1.34 cm in lateral direction and 0.05 cm in altitude, marking the first end-to-end deep RL-based flight on soft-driven IMAVs.
著者 | Yi-Hsuan Hsiao,Wei-Tung Chen,Yun-Sheng Chang,Pulkit Agrawal,YuFeng Chen |
発行日 | 2025-02-17 22:45:59+00:00 |
arxivサイト | arxiv_id(pdf) |
提供元, 利用サービス
arxiv.jp, Google